First BTX again

First term

dijous, 24 de febrer del 2011


The future of the film industry is in 3D, and one prove is 'Avatar', which remained on top of the domestic box office for the seventh-straight weekend, pulling in $31.3 million to raise it's total to %595,8 million.

Worldwide, 'Avatar' has topped $2 billion, a record that surpasses the $1,84 billion of Cameron's 'Titanic', which had been the No.1 modern blockbuster. The best of 3D is the impression of depht that it causes, it makes you feel as if you are inside of the film.

The first time I saw a 3D film was five years ago in Paris. I don't remember the name of the film, but I remember the impression it left on me. The most espectacular thing was that in the middle of the movie our seats started moving.

At the moment there are few films in 3D, but I think in the future all the films will be in 3D. Now I know these films: Avatar, Egipto, Delfines y ballenas... but I only saw two 3D films. (Avatar and other which I don't remember the name)

3D movies really are impressive, you get into the movie and it may seem real.

A film I liked '' I'M A LEGEND''

The protagonist is Will Smith and he thinks that he is the last survivor in the world, after a virus had affected all life on earth.

The virus affects the people inmediately, and they turn into monsters, who come out at night and during the day they hide in the shadows.

So, Will Smith with his dog is looking for food and others survivors during the day and at night they hide and try to find antivirus.

At first the affected people are more stronger than the normal people but more stupid. One day Will Smith prepares a trap, the one that he usually used for hunting monsters, but the monsters had already found out about his traps, and the monsters prepare a trap to capture Will and they suceede, but because it is not night yet, the monsters can't get out to catch him.

In the last moment when the monsters come close he can escape, but affected dogs bite his dog. The two escape but in the end Will Smith has to kill his dog, because he transformes into a monster.

Even though he thinks he stays alone, one lady appears with her child and tells him that he is not the only survivor, but that there are more in a refugium and she ask him to come with her.

He refuses, because he wants to continuo experimenting on the antivirus and the lady and the child decide to stay with him to find the solution. Some days laters they find the solution but the monsters find his refugium and attack it. Will gives the antivirus to the lady and tells her to go to the place where the other survivores are to save them.

To stop the monsters from following the lady and the child Will Smith takes a granate and sacrifies himself fighting with the monsters while the lady and the child escape.

At the end you can see, that the antivirus is put into the air and so the people are cured.

This is my favourite film, and Will Smith is my favourite actor.