First BTX again

First term

dijous, 7 d’octubre del 2010

The desforestation of the 'Amazonas' is worse than we think.

I think I wanted to look for some news related to the cutting of trees because this topic appeared in science class, as well as the importance it had for different zones and all the planet.
The deforestation along the river Amazonas, which is considerate the big lung of the world, is worse than we think at the moment, for the results of a survey which the Science magazine published. The human activities are reducing the Amazon jungle at the double velocity than before.
Considerate the longest river in the world, the Amazon region is a gigantic ecosystem of tropical jungles, with an extension of 7 square kilometers.
Moreover it’s considerate the richest biological reserve in the world, with millions of insects, plants, birds and other forms of life.
It’s the river which regulates the climate of South America and its trees are the biggest transformers of CO2 into Oxygen.
The investigation realized by scientifics of the Carnegie Institution, of Washington, shows that the richness is in danger and the principal factor is the unlimited deforestation, due to the activities of the wood industry in the region.
Ecological problems
It’s calculated that the total volume of cut trees represents between 10 and 15 millions of metric tons of carbon taken away from the ecosystem. The scientists show that the wood industry also causes serious ecological problems.
"The forests which have suffered cuttings present a big harm’’.
In my opinion the massive cutting and the bad use of the resources of the planet is a problem of all the humans and not only of some, or the wood cutting factories, because always all the humans misuse resources like water, light, energy and in this case a first class material like wood.

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