First BTX again

First term

divendres, 8 d’abril del 2011

white spots by the sun:

Since last summer I have little's white spots, I visited my doctor and he says it's possible I caught this for the sun.(''herpes'')

I asked the doctor, obviously, to prescribe me some medecine or something, for my skin, because although not seen much I don't like..

He prescribe me 'paracetanol' is a bath gel and I put everiday during two weeks, but I can't saw any results so I don't used more.

This year I ask again and talk me to put sunscreen, [it's true that I never put sunscreen on my skin ;) because I like feel the sun in my back]

I know everibody need sunscreen in summer because it's very bad for the health, and easy with the time have a lot of diseases, as cancer for example...

For my white spots aren't solution :( , but this summer I'll put the sunscreen for my health.

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