dilluns, 29 de novembre del 2010
dimarts, 9 de novembre del 2010

DANI JARQUE, died two years ago, but I remember his person yet.
This man was a good football player and a better person. He died when he was 27 years old in a hotel room, when his team F.C.Espanyol was about to play.
Dani Jarque was speaking with his girlfriend when he had the heart atack, and his girlfriend immediately phoned Ferran Corominas (his friend and bedroom partner in the hotel) to help Dani.
Corominas ran more fast than in his life, for help his friend, and phoned an ambulance, but for disgust that all the people who met Dani Jarque, the doctor can't do nothing for his life.
The night when this misfortune happened, I stay working in a camping of Port de la Selva, and I can't believe that, because Dani Jarque was ''quite a lot of'' known for my family, because my father is of R.C.D. Espanyol, and Dani is the captain, and a example for all the team. Dani was a people who always speak good about all the persons, and anytime ''strud''.
This shame, remember other time when other player Antonio Puerta (of Sevilla F.C), died, but I don't surprise because he don't was near for me.
This situations when a young man died, is a big sad...
dijous, 7 d’octubre del 2010
The desforestation of the 'Amazonas' is worse than we think.

I think I wanted to look for some news related to the cutting of trees because this topic appeared in science class, as well as the importance it had for different zones and all the planet.
The deforestation along the river Amazonas, which is considerate the big lung of the world, is worse than we think at the moment, for the results of a survey which the Science magazine published. The human activities are reducing the Amazon jungle at the double velocity than before.
Considerate the longest river in the world, the Amazon region is a gigantic ecosystem of tropical jungles, with an extension of 7 square kilometers.
Moreover it’s considerate the richest biological reserve in the world, with millions of insects, plants, birds and other forms of life.
It’s the river which regulates the climate of South America and its trees are the biggest transformers of CO2 into Oxygen.
The investigation realized by scientifics of the Carnegie Institution, of Washington, shows that the richness is in danger and the principal factor is the unlimited deforestation, due to the activities of the wood industry in the region.
Ecological problems
It’s calculated that the total volume of cut trees represents between 10 and 15 millions of metric tons of carbon taken away from the ecosystem. The scientists show that the wood industry also causes serious ecological problems.
"The forests which have suffered cuttings present a big harm’’.
In my opinion the massive cutting and the bad use of the resources of the planet is a problem of all the humans and not only of some, or the wood cutting factories, because always all the humans misuse resources like water, light, energy and in this case a first class material like wood.
Something I don't like doing
I'm sure everybody has some things that he/she doesn't like doing. That made me think about the things that I personally don't like doing:
-helping at home
-having arguments with my parents or my friends
-eating vegetables
-walking my dog
-playing ''Monopoly''
And the more I think about it the longer the list will be, so I'd better stop writing.
But it's important to say that a lot of things that you don't like doing you have to do it.
-helping at home
-having arguments with my parents or my friends
-eating vegetables
-walking my dog
-playing ''Monopoly''
And the more I think about it the longer the list will be, so I'd better stop writing.
But it's important to say that a lot of things that you don't like doing you have to do it.
dimecres, 15 de setembre del 2010

Last Saturday I went to Castelló d'Empùries to look at the village the famous festival: mediavals.
People is dressed with mediaval clothes, and all the town is turn arround medievals.
I enjoy a lot because a lot of my frends were dressed and I laugh a lot, it's so nice and funny.
I surprise because there are shops, restaurants... but they only have thinks that exists in medieval's time, for instance, they don't have chocolate.
I went to buy a "creppe" and they only have strawberry, honey... but not chocolate. It's a shame!
The streets during the medieval's weekend are with animals: horses, chickens... and people can play with them. Also there is a good show with horses, and one friend participe there.
Some years ago I participated in the medievals festival, I dressed like a soldier, but I was there only 3-4 hours, so I could'n saw everithing.
If you never go to medievals, I recommend you!
dimecres, 8 de setembre del 2010
Again 1st Batxillerat and my first day in the 'school'
My first day in school was strange, I'm curious to see the other people of my class, the teachers, and my friends of Second Batxillerat. I passed the hours thinking, and telling at myself that this year I'll work more and more than last year. Sorprendently the hours have passed very fast, and at half past one all the people go to there house. I think we (me and the others 'repeaters') have luck (although we repeat) because we are 6 persons who have repeated and we don't stay alone in the class. As I say this day was short and I don't know how more say, but I returned at my house better than I think, because first I think that this year can be ''a shit'' but now I don't think this, I only think in study a lot and get the betters marks possibles.
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