I think I improved my english level a little, respect last year, I learned to use conditional verbs and some new vocabulary (phrasal verbs..) In class we work a lot of vocabulary and phrasal verbs that I can use for speak better and for redactions.
I learned to 'sketch' a redaction, with different sections (Introduction, Develop ideas, and Conclusion).
I think that I haven't work enough.. Now, in the end, I work more much with the blog..
But I aprove my exams all the year and I think this shows that I have passed the course level and I can aprove.
I think the blog if it helps improve my level, but I think another way more effectively can be use the free time in the classroom language to work doig the same.. Because I think in general everybody work more less than we can, if everyone did the same.
For Example: One day we can do a new during all the hour and at the end of the class everybody give their notice at you, because of this you can see, really, the level which have everyone, and we have less work to home.
Because you can't know if the people use traductor or a particular english teacher do the work etc ..
I particularly can use the translator but only for a word that already know but I don't remember, because it is faster than the dictionary and when I see the word I know is correct or no. If is incorrect I go to the diccionari.
Another think I dislike is the oral presentation, because I think the people who go to a particular english teacher and who's personality is less embarassing can do better than other who know more english.
In conclusion, I think I've learned quite, but I dislike with the home work. I prefer work more in class and in language room and less in home, by the advantatges that I have said.
I hope to pass this year, and although I'll go to figueras I will try to improve my English because it is very important for the future.
dimarts, 14 de juny del 2011
diumenge, 5 de juny del 2011
Summer of boxing

This sumer I think to do "boxeo".
I speak with one friend who do boxeo and he says it's really good for stress and to do exercice.
I met other friend who also wants to take boxeo, so we can do it together.
we will go to Empuriabrava to take classes, this is good for me because I live near the gym.
This summer I will work, so it's important to have the gym near home, because I'll don't have a lot of free time.
I think that it's a really good deport and very exciting. It's good to know boxeo because nowadays there is a lot of bad people and you can protect yourself and your friends.
My family don't like this sport because they think it's for agressive people, but I think it's very funny and can be very competitive.
I like it, for this I'll do it.
*My favourite subject..*
My favourite subject this year is history, because it's really entreteined.
I like when all the class debate about one thing, for example the second world war, and speak abouth the things that nazis did and why.
The problem is that; you haver to learn a lot of differents topics, and some I don't like..
And the exams in general aren't very difficult, because when you don't remember names, or dates you can improvise.
If you travel, later you can speak with Jordi (the teacher of history) of your experience and the town that you visited etc..
It's very funny and interesting listen the different opinions about something, especially if the topic is actual.
We can't debate every week, but the texts about we discuss or the films, are very interesting.
On the other, the subject which I hate more is maths, because is very easy to miss, I like the teacher he explain good (much more than my teacher of last year) but for me maths are very difficult.
I like when all the class debate about one thing, for example the second world war, and speak abouth the things that nazis did and why.
The problem is that; you haver to learn a lot of differents topics, and some I don't like..
And the exams in general aren't very difficult, because when you don't remember names, or dates you can improvise.
If you travel, later you can speak with Jordi (the teacher of history) of your experience and the town that you visited etc..
It's very funny and interesting listen the different opinions about something, especially if the topic is actual.
We can't debate every week, but the texts about we discuss or the films, are very interesting.
On the other, the subject which I hate more is maths, because is very easy to miss, I like the teacher he explain good (much more than my teacher of last year) but for me maths are very difficult.
Things I will like do if tomorrow finish the world.
I thought many things which I'll like do and more now, which come summer, and you have ideas to do with friends, such as:
-parachute jumping
-bungee jumping
-hunting (with my father and my dog)
But I don't know if I dare to the first two.
I never gone hunting, but my dad told me about when he went with my grandfather.
I don't remember my grandfather because he died when I'm very little and my other grandfather was died when I born.
My grandmothers were died too.... but I think that I'm very lucky because I have friends, health and a good family.
I like to help people, but I don't do it always because it's difficult, or because it's not always possible. I feel good when I do this because you help good people, and in a futur they will help you.
I think that it's great to pass bad experiences because with the time you are stronger, and a better person.
Anyway, I speak about two different things, but what I want to say, is that you have to live your life because it's very short and middle of life we spend sleeping.
-parachute jumping
-bungee jumping
-hunting (with my father and my dog)
But I don't know if I dare to the first two.
I never gone hunting, but my dad told me about when he went with my grandfather.
I don't remember my grandfather because he died when I'm very little and my other grandfather was died when I born.
My grandmothers were died too.... but I think that I'm very lucky because I have friends, health and a good family.
I like to help people, but I don't do it always because it's difficult, or because it's not always possible. I feel good when I do this because you help good people, and in a futur they will help you.
I think that it's great to pass bad experiences because with the time you are stronger, and a better person.
Anyway, I speak about two different things, but what I want to say, is that you have to live your life because it's very short and middle of life we spend sleeping.
divendres, 3 de juny del 2011
Money or 'el peix que es menja la cua'
Money is very important for all the people, because you can satisfy all your needs.
For example you can go shopping, travel, pay the petrol etc...
I never have enough money, because I don't work and so I don't earn money. My parents give me a pocket money of 40€ a month, and they say it's a lot. But for me it's not so much, for example I go out one night at a disco with my friends, and only to enter I pay 15€, later when I return I pay the taxi with my friends, another 10€. In my pocket I only have 15€ left.
That was only one night. Then other day, you buy something or go for dinner one day a month, and the money is gone.
The rest of the month, I can't go out and do nothing.
Another solution is to ask money from friends, but the problem is the same for everybody if you have 40€ or 100€. You always need more, the sentence in Catalan to describe this is 'el peix que es menja la cua'.
Bullying is repeated acts over time that involves a real or perceived imbalance of power with the more powerful child or group attacking those who are less powerfull.
Bullying can be verbal harassment, physical assault, or other more subtle methods of coercion such as manipullation.
This is the definition of bullying that I found in Internet, and I agree because I can see that in classes in my institute for example.
But in my opinion this is a problem of the person who is bullied too, and his family, because the character of the child in general shy doesn't help. For example I know a boy who was the smallest and worst dressed in his class, and all the people laughed about him, pushed him...
And I think if this boy had a different character and he defended himself he wouldn't have this problem, but part of the probleme are the parents and not the boy only, because I think in his house they're very strict and his character of obedience passes on to school.
I think the parents can help this boys, speaking with he and making clear to them that they are not to have afraid of ''the selfish ones'' since in the bottom they are a few cowards, who get with the more weak persons.
And this boys can speak with the teachers or other boys, for make questions and solution his problems.
Bullying can be verbal harassment, physical assault, or other more subtle methods of coercion such as manipullation.
This is the definition of bullying that I found in Internet, and I agree because I can see that in classes in my institute for example.
But in my opinion this is a problem of the person who is bullied too, and his family, because the character of the child in general shy doesn't help. For example I know a boy who was the smallest and worst dressed in his class, and all the people laughed about him, pushed him...
And I think if this boy had a different character and he defended himself he wouldn't have this problem, but part of the probleme are the parents and not the boy only, because I think in his house they're very strict and his character of obedience passes on to school.
I think the parents can help this boys, speaking with he and making clear to them that they are not to have afraid of ''the selfish ones'' since in the bottom they are a few cowards, who get with the more weak persons.
And this boys can speak with the teachers or other boys, for make questions and solution his problems.
The job I would have liked to do.

Being a professional football player is the job I would have liked to have, because I love football.
Being football player has a lot of advantages, as all the people know. You earn a lot of money, all the girls are after you, and you can do whatever you like.
You are a popular and known person in the world and all that because you do what you like: play football in a famous team and have a millionaire contract.
Apart from that if you are a professional player you have to be fit and healthy (but there are players, who, when they have earned a lot of many go the wrong way 'in secret').
It's obvious that only some privileged people became professional football players, who everyboby knows, for example: Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi, Iker Casillas, Xavi Hernández etc...
You also have your 'little problems' because at 30 you have to retire because you can't maintain the velocity that is necessary for this level.
But I'm sure that you don't have to continue working, because you are a rich man, and you can make advertisements for clothes, for 'natillas' etc... so it is not really a big problem.
You are a popular and known person in the world and all that because you do what you like: play football in a famous team and have a millionaire contract.
Apart from that if you are a professional player you have to be fit and healthy (but there are players, who, when they have earned a lot of many go the wrong way 'in secret').
It's obvious that only some privileged people became professional football players, who everyboby knows, for example: Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi, Iker Casillas, Xavi Hernández etc...
You also have your 'little problems' because at 30 you have to retire because you can't maintain the velocity that is necessary for this level.
But I'm sure that you don't have to continue working, because you are a rich man, and you can make advertisements for clothes, for 'natillas' etc... so it is not really a big problem.
I have a friend who's name is Yosue, and he plays in F.C.Barcelona. He plays very good but I don't know if he will be a professional. Ernest talk about that in a oral presentation and says that now Yosue is titular and he plays a lot. I'm happy to listen this.
Good luck for him.
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