First BTX again

First term

divendres, 3 de juny del 2011

The job I would have liked to do.

Being a professional football player is the job I would have liked to have, because I love football.

Being football player has a lot of advantages, as all the people know. You earn a lot of money, all the girls are after you, and you can do whatever you like.
You are a popular and known person in the world and all that because you do what you like: play football in a famous team and have a millionaire contract.
Apart from that if you are a professional player you have to be fit and healthy (but there are players, who, when they have earned a lot of many go the wrong way 'in secret').
It's obvious that only some privileged people became professional football players, who everyboby knows, for example: Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi, Iker Casillas, Xavi Hernández etc...
You also have your 'little problems' because at 30 you have to retire because you can't maintain the velocity that is necessary for this level.
But I'm sure that you don't have to continue working, because you are a rich man, and you can make advertisements for clothes, for 'natillas' etc... so it is not really a big problem.

I have a friend who's name is Yosue, and he plays in F.C.Barcelona. He plays very good but I don't know if he will be a professional. Ernest talk about that in a oral presentation and says that now Yosue is titular and he plays a lot. I'm happy to listen this.

Good luck for him.

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