First BTX again

First term

diumenge, 5 de juny del 2011

Things I will like do if tomorrow finish the world.

I thought many things which I'll like do and more now, which come summer, and you have ideas to do with friends, such as:
-parachute jumping
-bungee jumping
-hunting (with my father and my dog)

But I don't know if I dare to the first two.

I never gone hunting, but my dad told me about when he went with my grandfather.
I don't remember my grandfather because he died when I'm very little and my other grandfather was died when I born.

My grandmothers were died too.... but I think that I'm very lucky because I have friends, health and a good family.

I like to help people, but I don't do it always because it's difficult, or because it's not always possible. I feel good when I do this because you help good people, and in a futur they will help you.
I think that it's great to pass bad experiences because with the time you are stronger, and a better person.

Anyway, I speak about two different things, but what I want to say, is that you have to live your life because it's very short and middle of life we spend sleeping.

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