First BTX again

First term

divendres, 3 de juny del 2011


Bullying is repeated acts over time that involves a real or perceived imbalance of power with the more powerful child or group attacking those who are less powerfull.
Bullying can be verbal harassment, physical assault, or other more subtle methods of coercion such as manipullation.
This is the definition of bullying that I found in Internet, and I agree because I can see that in classes in my institute for example.
But in my opinion this is a problem of the person who is bullied too, and his family, because the character of the child in general shy doesn't help. For example I know a boy who was the smallest and worst dressed in his class, and all the people laughed about him, pushed him...
And I think if this boy had a different character and he defended himself he wouldn't have this problem, but part of the probleme are the parents and not the boy only, because I think in his house they're very strict and his character of obedience passes on to school.
I think the parents can help this boys, speaking with he and making clear to them that they are not to have afraid of ''the selfish ones'' since in the bottom they are a few cowards, who get with the more weak persons.
And this boys can speak with the teachers or other boys, for make questions and solution his problems.

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