First BTX again

First term

diumenge, 5 de juny del 2011

*My favourite subject..*

My favourite subject this year is history, because it's really entreteined.
I like when all the class debate about one thing, for example the second world war, and speak abouth the things that nazis did and why.
The problem is that; you haver to learn a lot of differents topics, and some I don't like..
And the exams in general aren't very difficult, because when you don't remember names, or dates you can improvise.
If you travel, later you can speak with Jordi (the teacher of history) of your experience and the town that you visited etc..
It's very funny and interesting listen the different opinions about something, especially if the topic is actual.

We can't debate every week, but the texts about we discuss or the films, are very interesting.

On the other, the subject which I hate more is maths, because is very easy to miss, I like the teacher he explain good (much more than my teacher of last year) but for me maths are very difficult.

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