First BTX again

First term

dijous, 26 de maig del 2011

My driving licence.

The driving licence is an important document for teenagers. With it you can have more independence at the age of fourteen.
To have it, it's necessary to prepare for one theoretic exam and one practice exam.

When I was 16, I had the driving licence of motorbike, and now I want to take driving licence of a car.

I have the theory, and when I'll finish the exams I will go to the practic exam.

Sometimes I'm doing practise with my parents near my home, and I think that it's not so difficult, it's possible this is because I have a motorbike of marches.
Now I'm bored of the driving licence for 125 ccm, so I want the car's driving licence.

The best for me would be the American system: at sixteen years old the driving licence for a car.

* this is a photo of my motorbike. I wish to have a car, and later of work this summer I will buy a cheap car.

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