First BTX again

First term

diumenge, 22 de maig del 2011

A skiing holiday

In general, people like going on holiday in summer. They like the beach, the sun and the fast-food restaurants near the sea (''xiringuitos''). But for me it's better to go on holiday in winter, to go skiing and ice-skating (snowboard).
I usually go with my family to Masella in December for the kings.

We often go skiing together but when i'm tired or my family i like going into the village. As it is the time of 'the kings', there are carriages passing the streets and the people are happy and relaxed.
I like very much going down the mountain on my snowboard racing with my sister or my brother.

when we stop skiing, We are so tired so we go to dinner and early to the bed.

I like sleep with cold, so sleep in the mountain it's so good.

Now there is so hot, and it's impossible sleep, and it's impossible go to sking, and I have to study a lot.. so I prefer winter...

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