First BTX again

First term

dimarts, 31 de maig del 2011

Young smokers

Spain is the country of EU with the hightest number of smokers with 29% of them being fifteen years old.
Between 80.000 and 100.000 teenagers become adicts to smoking every day in all of the world, with the average age of 13,3 years they already consume 16,8 cigarretes daily.
In the last 20 years the percentage of women smoking has tripled.

I found this numbers in internet, and now I want to say my opinion:

In my opinion I don't understand why the people smoke, because it's perjudicial to health and you lose a lot of money. Every day are more people who die of cancer.

Now there is a law which ban smoke in restaurants, bars... all of close places.
I'm against because I think is the boss of the private place who have to take a decision.

I'm not against smoking, because I think every body can do what he likes.

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