First BTX again

First term

dimarts, 31 de maig del 2011

Young smokers

Spain is the country of EU with the hightest number of smokers with 29% of them being fifteen years old.
Between 80.000 and 100.000 teenagers become adicts to smoking every day in all of the world, with the average age of 13,3 years they already consume 16,8 cigarretes daily.
In the last 20 years the percentage of women smoking has tripled.

I found this numbers in internet, and now I want to say my opinion:

In my opinion I don't understand why the people smoke, because it's perjudicial to health and you lose a lot of money. Every day are more people who die of cancer.

Now there is a law which ban smoke in restaurants, bars... all of close places.
I'm against because I think is the boss of the private place who have to take a decision.

I'm not against smoking, because I think every body can do what he likes.

dijous, 26 de maig del 2011

My driving licence.

The driving licence is an important document for teenagers. With it you can have more independence at the age of fourteen.
To have it, it's necessary to prepare for one theoretic exam and one practice exam.

When I was 16, I had the driving licence of motorbike, and now I want to take driving licence of a car.

I have the theory, and when I'll finish the exams I will go to the practic exam.

Sometimes I'm doing practise with my parents near my home, and I think that it's not so difficult, it's possible this is because I have a motorbike of marches.
Now I'm bored of the driving licence for 125 ccm, so I want the car's driving licence.

The best for me would be the American system: at sixteen years old the driving licence for a car.

* this is a photo of my motorbike. I wish to have a car, and later of work this summer I will buy a cheap car.

dimarts, 24 de maig del 2011


Last summer I travel to Polonia, and I think to travel this summer too but I can't because I work all the summer and I'll do plans with one friend to do boxing.

But I will like go somewher three days, to relax. It will be funny go to an exotic place, for instance, Marraquesh, and ride a camel.

People say that camels are really fast animal, and it's something that surprise me.

If I could go to Marrakesh I want to buy clothes from there, there are clothes prepare to support the hot.

People explain that if you go to Marrakesh, or poor towns, you have to take a guide, because it can be dangerous.

on the other hand, you have to go there with a lot of sweets, or pencils... because children every moment are asked you for something.

It will be courious eat on the floor, like in Marrakesh, and a lot of hot food...

I think that I won't support eat hot food with hot time..

I have some marraquesh friends who explain me that there all is cheaper, and it's possible that technologic objects will be better to buy in this country because are cheaper (TV, mp3... )

It will be nice a trip in Marraquesh...

diumenge, 22 de maig del 2011

A skiing holiday

In general, people like going on holiday in summer. They like the beach, the sun and the fast-food restaurants near the sea (''xiringuitos''). But for me it's better to go on holiday in winter, to go skiing and ice-skating (snowboard).
I usually go with my family to Masella in December for the kings.

We often go skiing together but when i'm tired or my family i like going into the village. As it is the time of 'the kings', there are carriages passing the streets and the people are happy and relaxed.
I like very much going down the mountain on my snowboard racing with my sister or my brother.

when we stop skiing, We are so tired so we go to dinner and early to the bed.

I like sleep with cold, so sleep in the mountain it's so good.

Now there is so hot, and it's impossible sleep, and it's impossible go to sking, and I have to study a lot.. so I prefer winter...

Birthday of my sister

This weekend is the birthday of my sister, she is 20, so yesterday we went to a restaurant in Llança to celebrate it.
We went to Llança because it's the favourite place of my sister, and we went when we were little.
After lunch, we walk arround the streets and we talk that we really want to be in summer and go to the beach, eat ice creams...
My parents give her like a present two dresses of summer and she wants to wear it, but today it's rainning so she can't wear it.
This is a really strange time because one day is sun, next day it's rainning...

I love summer, because I have a lot of free time but I prefer cold than hot.

dissabte, 21 de maig del 2011


Friends are people who can help you, and who you spend a lot of time with. You can go with them to the cinema, to play football, to discos...
In general people have different types of friends, for example:
Clumsy friends who are really good fun to be with, because you can laugh about them.
Friends at school who you see every day, and speak in class.
Friends at sport (in my case football) who you can play and share a sport with.
Happy friends who normally are happy and you can laugh with them.
Intelligent friends who you can study with and learn from them.

But that isn't completely true, because when you go out with your friends, you don't only go out with one type of friends but with a mixture of all of them.

I think the best is to have a friend that has all the above qualities, so you can do all the activities with him.

divendres, 20 de maig del 2011


Melendi is a good spanish singer and I like his songs.

In his lyrics he talk about his life, and I think thats thanks of this he do it very good. There are a lot of singers that talkd always about the same topic, like love, and it's so boring.

this summer it will be a concert of Melendi in Figueres, and I'll hope go there with friends.

It will be a concert of "picnoise" too, and I also wants to go, so maybe I will go to a two concerts this summer, but I'm not sure because the entrance for a concert it's so expensive.

I don't understand why they are so expensive, because normally they are so short...

If I want to go to two concerts I will have to save money...

But I think at least one if i'll go because I love these groups.


The blackberry (BB) is a new phone really competitive.

With the BB you can go to internet, you can talkd with your friends in a chat which it's free...

there are a lot of people who prefers Iphone, but I prefer BB for different reasons:

BB isn't tactil, and I don't like tactil mobiles.

On the other hand the BB is smaller and you can put it on your pocket.

BB is cheaper than iphone, but their aplications are similar.

I have a bb and I'm so happy about it.

My mother talk to movistar and ask for two bb, one for me and the other for my brother, they give her free because we were a long time in movistar.

I'm asking how to be the next mobils... maybe they can fly..

diumenge, 15 de maig del 2011

''barracas'' in Figueres.

I remember very good this day. I go at ''las barracas'' in Figueres with two friends. First we went for dinner to a bar in Figueres and later we went for a drink. At about midnight, we went to ''las ferias'' to see the attractions and spend a good time.

Later, at 10 o'clock, we went to ''barracas'' to dance and to listen to the concert, I can remember this night very good, because I passed a good time with friends and met a lot of people.

Finally, to return to Empuriabrava we took a bus at 5 a.m. and slept at a friend's house.

I rember when I got up the next day at 4 p.m. and I went to lunch in a bar ''eggs with chips'', and a few ''pinxos'' of meat.

divendres, 13 de maig del 2011


GTA San Andreas is a game of play-station which describes the life of a rapper.

I love this game, and I finish all the game three times. Is the game that I play more in my life, and I love it because I can play with friends, I can compite with my brother... sometimes we do competitions betting something. I remember that I always win, because I practise a lot.

The game is about a rapper who have to kill people and complete missions. It's an agressive game, and you can find cars, motorbikes.. and stole them.

It's true, that this type of games are bad for children because they can learn really bad things. But it's demonstration that play games on computer, play station... help the development of the intelligence.. because it seems that there are stupid games, but you have to think a lot.

Another game that I like a lot is: prevolution Soccer. This game is about football, and I like it because I can also can with friends and compite.

I don't like the games which you have to play alone because they are more boring.

In this game you can search the better football players and make a team trying to win everything and be the best.

diumenge, 8 de maig del 2011

How to be fitness??

I don't play football this year, because of that I am less fitnnes, and now that comes summer you can note more.

well, this summer I'll go to do boxing for be fitness, and a lot of people say me that to do boxing you have to eat a lot to be more strong. I think that if you don't do exercice one day, this day you don't have to eat a lot because if not it will be fat.

The most difficult is to be constance, because is very easy do a lo of exercice one day and anything other days, because the difficult is to go to the gym, because if you are in the sofa you are so good and go to do deport is difficult.

when you are not constance you don't will be better, and a lot of people ask why? this is because the constance, because it's better to do every day a half an hour, than make one day three hours.

To make the exercice funier and easier, you can go with a friend, like me, that I will do boxing with a lot of people.

conclusion: if you want to be fitness, you have to eat good, be constance, sleep, and go with friends.

the exercice requires effort and concentration , but it's good.

dilluns, 2 de maig del 2011

strange dreams or paranoia.

I can't understand now, I remember this sometimes. The night that a strange 'thing' was over of my belly. It's possible that this was a paranoia... but .. seriously this night I 'flipe', because I was awake but with the lights out, and suddenly I felt and heard something.

Surely was a dream, but I remember that I'm awake, and I heard his respiration and his growl in my beggy.
First, I think it was a cat, but why? a cat in my bedroom and over my beggy? and when I moving slow he growl.
I steeled myself and I made a quick movement to touch it, to know it was and wow!! I don't touch anything, later I opened the light fast too, and exactly.. nothing.
¿ I scared you? hahaha

Even I don't know what happened but this story is real and I repeat I was awake!. haha

Okey, bye